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We discover nothing atop the great peaks except that which is already within us.

Often hidden but ever-present these forces dictate our lives.

Vivian’s journey is less about the tale of ascending a mountain but more about the descent into his soul and what he finds there that can be of value to us all. Truly inspirational. “

Dr Paddy Barrett MB BCh BAO FRCPI MCTI, Consultant Cardiologist, The Blackrock Clinic, Ireland

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brent bamberger brent bamberger

“A fresh and original take on on the incredible and absurd challenge of climbing Everest. Vivian takes us on the inner journey that accompanies the outer journey, offering a new perspective on on discovering one’s own ‘meaning of life’, told in an easy, page-turning style.”

Philippe Schaus, Chief Executive Officer, Moët Hennessy (a division of LVMH group)

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In this highly descriptive narrative about survival, decisiveness and followership, Vivian manages to raise critical insights needed for today’s leaders to succeed in an everchanging environment. Through life and death situations, Vivian illustrates the importance of being decisive while trusting your intuition and highlighting the risks of overthinking especially when so many variables are inevitably out of our control. Great read for anyone looking to immerse themselves in a self-reflection journey on how many of us will reach our peak but then need to descent to safety.

Lisandro Chanlatte, Head of Investments, Citi Global Wealth - Latin America

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One of Vivian's greatest talents as a coach is helping you understand your true core as a leader - confronting your vulnerabilities, celebrating your strengths, emerging stronger. Vivian's story of summiting the highest mountains offers profound lessons for all of us as leaders in our constant quest to simply be the best we can be.

Michele Peluso, Chief Customer Officer, CVC Health

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“The hardest challenge for leaders is stripping away the insignificant and the distracting. The inner noise of our own foolishness sits at the top of the list of blockers. Vivian’s episode, sitting naked at the knife edge, is a gift for us all. It simply clarifies. Beautifully. It speaks to how to go up and down the mountains of our lives safely — setting pride to the side and leaning forward on curiosity and trust. Even more, it creates valuable space to think about why we climb in the first place, and how we can climb together”.

Marc Allen, Chief Strategy Officer and SVP Strategy and Corporate Development, Boeing Co.

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“Vivian Rigney’s Naked At The Knife-Edge is a spellbinding story of resiliency, fortitude and perseverance while facing one of the most dangerous climbs in the world. Rigney elegantly translates the lessons learned into valuable leadership principles that provide an inspirational guide on how to navigate the disruptive social, economic, and business landscape with confidence, curiosity, and authenticity.”

Adena Friedman, President and CEO, Nasdaq, Inc.

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